Our Definition of Successful Credit Repair
The inaccurate account is either deleted or 100% fully corrected to a positive status. This includes the account status, late payment history, and all derogatory information removed.

Unlike our competition, we do not count “new information provided” or each individual data field corrected toward success to inflate our numbers.
For that reason updating some derogatory information, while other derogatory information remains, is not counted as a success by The Dispute Center. Additionally, most companies count “new information provided” as part of their success. This means that they corrected one data field on the account, but the account is still reporting as a negative account.
Furthermore, carefully review other credit repair outsourcing company claims. If you add up the percent of their success or press them on how they calculate their success, you will find out the truth. Make sure their definition of a successful credit repair reflects that the credit account is either deleted or fully corrected reporting as a positive account.
At The Dispute Center, our comprehensive services and follow up processes are the cornerstones to our successes and yours.
Below you will find credit reports and letters from clients at various stages of our credit repair process. This is our proof that our processes provide you with exceptional credit repair results.
These outstanding results are examples of what our service consistently produces for our affiliates and their clients. No other credit repair outsourcing company possesses the same drive, determination, and strategies. As a result, this gives credit repair businesses, such as yours, reliable successes time and again.
Our dedication to success for our affiliates and their clients is what sets The Dispute Center above the rest.
Call us today at 616-541-2322 to find out how you can start or expand your business ventures with The Dispute Center’s unparalleled customer support and credit repair business outsourcing programs.
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The Dispute Center
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4485 Plainfield Ave NE, STE 101
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
(616) 541-2322
M-F 9 am to 5 pm ET.
Photo Copyright: pichetw / Fotolia