Affordable Credit Report Solutions You Can Bundle With Your Credit Program

Bundling credit reports with your program increases your profit margins and creates ongoing residual income.

Ask about becoming a sponsor code affiliate.

Credit reports are a necessity with credit repair. They are needed to confirm results, monitor for new account reporting, track credit scores, and review for loan approvals.  Clients love it when their credit report is bundled with their program and The Dispute Center has an affordable solution!

The Dispute Center provides a low cost, high profit credit report program.

Ask about becoming a direct sponsor code affiliate.

Increase your profits by bundling credit reports with your programs.  Clients love the convenience and it provides better profits for your business compared to other affiliate programs.

Make $10.00 to $15.00 from each report, each month compared to $4.00 or $5.00 from other affiliate commissions.  When you bundle credit reports with your programs your payment success rate increases.

We offer several credit report options to choose from:

Three Bureau Reports with Credit Monitoring, ID Theft Protection – Vantage 3.0

Three Bureau Reports with Credit Monitoring, ID Theft Protection – FICO 08

Three Bureau Reports with Credit Monitoring, ID Theft Protection – FICO 08 (with industry scores, mortgage, auto, bankcard)

Three Bureau Reports with Credit Monitoring, ID Theft Protection – FICO 08 (with business D&B, Experian Intelliscore)

Contact the Dispute Center for more information and start saving in on your credit report purchases today.

Give us a call at 616-541-2322 to take your business to the next level.

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