In this article you will learn how doing this one simple action can help you grow your credit repair business exponentially and protect you from natural business fluctuations.
What is at issue here is your business is so good that you are being overwhelmed with files that you can’t keep up with and clients may be getting frustrated which leads to your frustration.
You might think that hiring additional staff will help eliminate the back log and remove the stress and frustration. However, I will dispel this as you read through this article.
Hiring a staff to process your influx of credit repair files can be expensive and time consuming.
You will be adding to your payroll whether it is a salaried position or hourly. This will add significant cost to your business. At $15 per hour that is an additional $31,200, not to mention the additional business taxes you will have to pay. This can take months and years to show a positive ROI.
In addition to the taxes, there may be medical benefits to be added to your expense line. The average cost of a basic employee package is $18.80 per hour. So a $15 an hour employee can become a $30 per hour+ employee.
Bureau of Labor Statistics December 2018
This may or may not be part of your employee package, but important to note, none the less.
Plus, if your business has a slow period, how do you handle the additional staff you hired, do you lay them off and risk losing them to another job and lose all the time, effort, and cost to traing them? Our outsourcing protects you from the peaks and valleys of runnnig your business.
Training. You will need to consider how much time you will have to spend training your new hire. How much hand holding until they are able to fly solo to process the credit disputes on their own? This will take important time away from your responsibilities, especially if you are a small credit repair company.
As fickle as people are in this day and age about employment, what happen after your new hire is trained and they decide one day that credit repair is “not their thing”? If you are fortunate they will give a two week notice but it is not beyond the scope of imagination that they simply don’t show up to work one day.
You have spent hours of your time and money to train someone that has moved on, then the process starts all over.
Workers in service occupations, who are generally younger than persons employed in management, professional, and related occupations, had the lowest median tenure (2.9 years). Among employees working in service occupations, food service workers had the lowest median tenure, at 1.9 years. Bureau of Labor Statistics 9/20/18
There are a couple things you can do to protect yourself from higher business costs and employee turnover in your credit repair business.
Continue to operate the way you have been operating.
But we know that this is like climbing a mud covered hill on a rainy day.
Outsource Your Dispute Process
The benefits of outsourcing are numerous.
Consider all the added expense to your business when hiring an employee, dispute outsourcing is a fraction of that cost.
Plus, outsourcing will allow you more time to work on your credit repair business instead of working in your credit repair business. When you get comfortable with your new dispute outsourcing association you will likely find that your level of frustration will decrease dramatically. No more sense of overwhelm and panic.
But you do have to be careful who you choose to partner with to process your credit dispute letters. A lot of new one-person services have popped up trying to provide outsourcing. They may have been an employee at another company or have some training, but they don’t have the capacity or knowledge to provide the services you are seeking.
Most credit outsourcing providers have a one size fits all solution. You can find yourself paying for services that you don’t need or want. This can be frustrating.
Your best solution is to find a reputable credit repair outsourcing company that:
1. Writes and process the dispute letter for you.
2. Provides varying levels of support so you pay for only what you need.
3. Is established with a proven track record of success and satisfied credit repair companies, and more importantly that the clients of the credit repair companies are satisfied.
You can spend countless hours looking at all the credit repair outsourcing companies, signing up, logging in, taking time to try and learn the back office interface or you can contact The Dispute Center.
The Dispute Center has been providing credit repair companies with outstanding dispute processes and results for over a decade. They actually write and process the dispute letters, offer multiple options and levels of support and dispute processing and have a long list of satisfied clients.
If you are tired of the frustration and feeling overwhelmed by processing credit dispute letters and all keeping up with it, don’t hire additional staff, contact The Dispute Center or call (616) 541-2322.